
Tennessee Men’s Clinic Helps Understand the Difference Between Free Testosterone vs. Total Testosterone- Which One Matters for Men’s Overall Wellbeing

Free Testosterone

Testosterone is a vital hormone in men’s holistic health, influencing every aspect from bone density to muscle mass, mood to energy, and sexual performance.  While evaluating testosterone levels, it’s crucial to understand how free testosterone differs from total testosterone, given that either of them plays a unique role in men’s health, however often one is considered more vital for achieving health and well-being – according to the Tennessee Men’s Clinic. Keep reading to explore how they differentiate and why free testosterone matters to men more significantly.

What is Total Testosterone?

As the term implies, total testosterone defines the sum of all testosterone available in the blood, comprising both free as well as bound testosterone. Noteworthy, most testosterone found in the bloodstream remains bound to plasma proteins such as sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and albumin. Only a minimal percentage of testosterone remains unbound or free, which is considered a biologically active version of the hormone.

Although, by counting total testosterone levels, physicians can visualize the overall status of testosterone levels, however, this doesn’t accurately indicate to which extent testosterone is available to the tissues that require it badly such as muscle cells, the prostrate, and the brain.

What is Free Testosterone?

On the other hand, as stated above free testosterone refers to the little percentage of testosterone that remains floating or remain unbound to any proteins and thereby remains accessible for any purpose by the body. These are said to be the “active” form of testosterone and can play a significant role by influencing all-inclusive physiological processes, including building muscle mass, supporting mental stability, regulating libido, or retaining bone density.

According to Tennessee Men’s Clinic, despite the fact that free testosterone constitutes a mere 1-3% of the total testosterone, free testosterone is the form of testosterone most readily deployed towards the immediate necessity to boost men’s health. The measure of free testosterone levels is also considered more reflective of the deficiency and balance of hormones as compared to total testosterone measures.

Why Free Testosterone Matters More

Free Testosterone

Although total testosterone is helpful in assessing whether a man’s testosterone levels fall within a normal range, free testosterone is often a more reliable measure of how well a man’s body is functioning with regard to testosterone. Here’s why:

Bio-availability: Free testosterone is the part that is not bound and, hence is directly available for immediate use in vital functions such as energy, mood regulation, sexual health, and cognitive function. Noteworthy, even with a normal level of total testosterone level but a low level of free testosterone, an individual may manifest symptoms such as depression, fatigue, decreased sex drive, and poor muscle mass.

Impact of HBG and Other Proteins: According to the Tennessee Men’s Clinic, SHBG levels tend to shift owing to factors including age, obesity, as well as intake of certain medications. Elevated levels of SHBG hormone can restrict the circulation of free testosterone in the bloodstream even though the total testosterone remains normal. This is why, determining the levels of free testosterone rather than the total can give a better idea of the hormonal status of an individual.

Individual Variability: Two individuals may exhibit an identical level of total testosterone levels, even though the free testosterone among them may vary significantly. This makes free testosterone a more reliable indicator of understanding how testosterone is actually functioning in an individual body.

Which One Is More Important To Doctors?

In medical settings, doctors typically assess free testosterone levels as it helps them to determine the status of testosterone and accordingly personalize treatments for individuals considering symptoms of deficient testosterone. Additionally, it provides them with more accurate figures of bio-active testosterone which can be deployed in therapeutic decision-making.